Permanently reduce your utility bills while making your home safer and healthier.
West CAP’s Weatherization Program exists to improve the energy efficiency, comfort, and home safety of housing stock for low/moderate Wisconsinites that are enrolled in the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP). These services can be performed on site-built homes, manufactured homes, multifamily dwellings, and even apartment buildings. The Weatherization program provides energy conservation measures to houses at no cost to the residents, as an additional benefit of the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program. Home Energy Plus programs are funded by the Wisconsin Department of
Administration (DOA), Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR).
If you are eligible for weatherization services based on your WHEAP (energy assistance) application, your application information will be referred to West CAP’s Weatherization department. Households selected for potential weatherization services will be contacted by West CAP. We will then make arrangements to have an energy auditor look at your home to see what can be done to make it more energy efficient.
If you have a nonfunctioning water heater or a water leak within your home and qualify for energy assistance, you can call West CAP at 715-498-4750 to speak to a staff person who can help, or leave a message on ext. 2 and we will get back to you about fixing the problem.
First, we perform a full Home Energy Audit to determine if and/or how we can make energy improvements to your home.
During the audit, we determine any next steps we can take that are helpful and cost effective to improve your home such as:
ELIGIBILITY: Households must first apply and be income eligible with the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance program (WHEAP) to receive Weatherization services. The application takes approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. Your information and privacy are protected. You will need income information from all sources, utility account information, and property management information, if applicable.
Other Wisconsin
Home Energy Assistance Resources:
Call: 1-866-HEAT-WIS
Visit DEHCR Assistance Page