West CAP’s Food Access and Resources Program addresses the issue of food security
and support for local food production in our communities through a variety of programs.
Questions about services? Email:
Looking for FoodShare/SNAP Benefits? We do not process those applications. The State of Wisconsin does.
We suggest you follow this external link to find out if you’re eligible based on your income. Then visit the ACCESS website to learn about and apply for Wisconsin state benefits like FoodShare as well as BadgerCare, Medicare, Medicaid. Choose “Apply for Benefits” on their website. You can see what health, nutrition, and other benefits or programs you may be able to get based on the information you provide. This Guide for Applying for WI Benefits can help.
West CAP Food Pantry & Partners
West CAP provides staff support and food distribution assistance to 39 community-based food outlets across west central Wisconsin through The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). Partner pantries across the area provide direct, emergency food assistance to low in-come families, including our own pantry site in Boyceville, WI, which is open to eligible families in Boyceville and Glenwood City every Thursday.
Commodity Supplemental Food for Seniors
Improving the health and nutrition needs of low-income adults age 60 and over.
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program works to improve the health of low-income adults age 60+ years by supplementing their diets with nutritious foods. One day each month, a team of West CAP volunteers packages over 600 boxes of nutritious foods that are then dispersed throughout our service are a support low-income senior households. Distribution sites include Aging & Disability Resource Centers, Churches, senior living facilities and food pantry sites across nine counties in west central Wisconsin.
Senior Farmers Market Vouchers
Providing low-income seniors with access to purchase fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables.
Vouchers are offered to seniors to purchase fresh, locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs from certified farmers. Vouchers are valid at any participating farmers market or roadside stand. Nearly every county in the state has at least one participating market. You can even take them with you when you are traveling throughout the state. Look for the yellow sign on the stands that states they accept vouchers.
Menomonie Farmers Market
Bringing fresh, local fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses and more to the Menomonie area.
The Menomonie Farmers Market began in 2000 by a group of local farmers. West CAP became an early partner and began providing administrative support to the Farmer’s Market in 2004, managing the Market for nearly 20 years.
In late 2023, the Menomonie Farmers Market applied as its own entity and is no longer managed by West CAP. It is located in Wilson Park at the corner of 8th Street and 9th Avenue. The market provides fresh, locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs from certified farmers. The Market accepts EBT/FoodShare through a token program, allowing low-income community members to benefit from fresh, nutritious food and support local food production.
Backpack Meal Program
Proving low-income school-age children with food for weekends and school breaks.
Backpack food programs offer families groceries for weekends and school breaks. Food backpacks include healthy, easy-to-prepare food for kid-friendly meals. Through this model, West CAP provides one supplemental supply of weekend food to children in need each week for the Glenwood City School District and the Boyceville Community School District. Families must be on or eligible for free or reduced school lunch. Contact the school district nurse to participate, October through May:
Boyceville School District: 715-643-3647
Glenwood City School District: 715-265-4231
– Program Contact –
Food Access & Resources Program Manager
Direct: 715-280-3238 | Mobile: 715-977-1191
Fax: 715-265-7031
Melissa joined West CAP’s team over twenty years ago with a passion to serve others. Before coming to West CAP, she earned a degree in Social Work and served a year as an Americorps member doing community outreach and support services at a local food pantry.
Melissa manages the Food Access and Resources programs at West CAP with a robust network of pantry partners, food banks, and volunteers that help distribute over 3 million pounds of food to over 13,000 individuals in need across seven western Wisconsin counties each year.